1906 - was born in Cumeroogunga, NSW
1928 - married Bella Elizabeth Patten
1929 - moved to Sydney
1941 - divorced his wife
1939 - joined the Aborigines Progressive Association
1941 - worked full time for the association
1940 - emerged as a principal member of the Committee for Aboriginal Citizen Rights
1943 - introduced Aboriginal representation
1946 - Moved to Melbourne
1947 - Married with Mary McLintock Kelly at the office of the government statist
1957 - they formed a nucleus around which the Aborigines Advancement League (Victoria)
1950 - was disillusioned with politics
1952 - established Aboriginal Enterprise Novelties to produce boomerangs
1956 - attacked (Sir) Paul Hasluck, over the wages paid to Aborigines in the Northern Territory
1967 - became the first Aboriginal president of the Aborigines Advancement League (Victoria) and playing a leading role in the campaign vote "YES"
1968 - died at Deepdene and was cremated