Tuesday 15 August 2017

Tittle: English at work

SEVEN DIMENSIONS 970245-10001 Available online
Note: Online video ; 15 - 19 min. per episode

Title: Hello Australia [electronic resource]  
Author: Drane, Paul     

SEVEN DIMENSIONS 1004368-2001 Available online

Title: Business management value package [electronic resource]  

Author: Doyle, Ashley.  
Granville College Library

Title: International standard : risk management - risk assessment techniques  
Author: International Electro technical Commission.     
658/INTE 35555078417997

Tuesday 1 August 2017

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to the EFS Advance course

Tuesday 30 May 2017

William (Bill) onus one Aboriginal politics activist and entrepreneur.

1906 -  was born in  Cumeroogunga, NSW
1928 -  married Bella Elizabeth Patten
1929 -  moved to Sydney
1941 -  divorced his wife 
1939 -  joined the Aborigines Progressive Association 
1941 -  worked full time for the association
1940 -  emerged as a principal member of the Committee for Aboriginal Citizen Rights
1943 -  introduced Aboriginal representation
1946 -  Moved to Melbourne
1947 -  Married with Mary McLintock Kelly at the office of the government statist  
1957 -  they formed a nucleus around which the Aborigines Advancement League (Victoria)
1950 was disillusioned with politics
1952 established Aboriginal Enterprise Novelties to produce boomerangs
1956 - attacked (Sir) Paul Hasluck, over the wages paid to Aborigines in the Northern Territory

1967 -  became the first Aboriginal president of the Aborigines Advancement League (Victoria) and playing a leading role in the campaign vote "YES"  

1968 -  died at Deepdene and was cremated

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Kyoto Protocol

  • Kyoto protocol is that agreed between more 150 country, it is an important treaties in the last. climate change is one of a heated discussion a mong the countries. Therefore the industrial countries has a big responsibility to control of  that. The firs USA and other developed countries should be take care about global warming and every countries should be committed to this protocol .  

The immigrant in 1992
Europe people: declined dramatically
Southeast Asia:   declined gradually  
Northeast Asia: decreased Sharply
India: remained steady
Oceania: decreased Sharply 
Middle East & North Africa: Dropped Substantially
South & Central America: declined gradually
Africa :declined gradually
North America: Stabilized

The immigrant in 2000
Europe people: declined gradually
Southeast Asia:   declined gradually  
Northeast Asia: decreased slightly
India: rose dramatically
Oceania: decreased Sharply 
Middle East & North Africa: Dropped Substantially
South & Central America: increased sharply
Africa :declined gradually
North America: decreased sharply

Tuesday 28 February 2017

Recycling is the best way to protect of Environment. in cities, individual and government has responsibility to gather protect of environment. for the environment control every one should use paper instead of plastic and save tree. another way to Recycling the Development countries must help pour countries to have access new technology.  

Tuesday 7 February 2017

For my classmate

Dear classmate !

This is Asif one of EFS course , I hope for All of us an efficiency learning in this TEAF.
however This class is Designed for Further Study I think it is very important for All of us should try to Every time Communicate to English. It is an easy way to approve your language. while we are at the TEAF forgot your First language.